part-time freelancer illustratorART COMMISSION: OPEN
check your commission waitlist/status/queue HERE
E-mail: [email protected]

What will you get?

  • One full-resolution final drawing file in .JPG format

  • One full-resolution final drawing file in .PNG (transparent) format

  • One low-resolution final drawing file in .JPG format with watermark

  • One .PDF file of invoice and payment transaction

choose language:

Please READ and UNDERSTAND the terms and conditions before placing an order. By placing an order, you agree with the terms written.The art will be drawn digitally and the price and form below are for personal use only. Please keep it in mind that I have the right to decline any commission for any reason. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.Beside commission, you can also support me by sharing my commission info to others. Or even just some kind words from you will help me a lot, I would love to hear them XD

fanartin other artstyle
original characterNSFW (gore, porn)
stylized real personanything insensitive /offensive
group/pairing (OC x OC, OC x canon, canon x canon) 

Commission Workflow

  • DM me through any of my social media listed below. feel free if you want to give me some question before deciding to commission or not

  • You sent the reference and/or brief. After I get the form, I will tell you through said contact about confirmation whether can/can't I accept your commission. If there's no queue, I will start working on your commission
    for clothes/accessories/fashion items, please give me proper brief with pictures, since there's a lot advanced fashion terms and I barely know any T^T)

  • I will send the rough sketch/lineart (not colored) when it's done. If there's no revision, I will send you the invoice
    changes and revisions in sketch phase are usually free of charge with max. 3 (three) revisions.
    when you have a hard time to explain your revision, feel free to doodle on top of WIP/preview artwork I sent to you ^o^)/~
    please sent your revision all at once if there's many. If you need more time to think after I sent you the WIP/preview artwork, just take your time. I'll wait!

  • I will start coloring and send an update to confirm the color. Minor revisions are still allowed (such as changing color, etc.). Please understand that revisions in this step might take additional charge

  • I will confirm once more when the piece is done. If you satisfied with the final result, I will send the finished work through said E-mail/URL download link within 24 hours

Additional Info

  • I am comfortable about having conversation in English but please keep in mind that English is not my first language.

  • Reference/brief can be a bunch of pictures, paragraph of descriptions, or combination of both.

  • The price are for personal use only. Please contact me through e-mail or any social media for commercial price.

  • Personal use MEANS: you will not resell, claim my work as your own, use for commercial purposes, or distribute the material for anything other than personal use

  • Personal use INCLUDE: using as icon/header on social media; repost it on social media (with credit) for non-commercial purposes; use the image for journaling, scrapbooking, etc.; print it as a personal customized shirt, sticker, mug, etc.

  • Other uses than said before, please ask first

  • I may post your commission (low quality, watermarked) on my social media. Let me know if you want your commission to be private, or not to be posted until specific date

  • Commission might take 5 days to 2 months to finish, after sketch approved. Less revision take less time to finish

  • If you have any deadline, please tell me as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that I wont be able to take commission that need to be finished in less than 5 days

  • Pet/animals, additional accessories, fashion item, detailed clothes or complex poses might take additional charge

choose language:

Tolong BACA dan PAHAMI ketentuan yang tertulis sebelum membuat pesanan. Dengan memesan, artinya kamu setuju dengan ketentuan yang kutulis.Gambar dibuat dalam bentuk digital, artinya kamu akan menerima gambar dalam bentuk softfile. Harga yang tertera adalah harga untuk penggunaan pribadi. Mohon pengertiannya bahwa Aku berhak untuk menolak commission kalau aku merasa tidak nyaman. Jangan sungkan buat hubungi/DM kalau ada pertanyaan.Selain commission, kamu juga bisa banget bantu lewat sharing commission info ini ke teman-teman yang lain. Atau sekedar kata-kata penyemangat pun udah bantu banget loh XD

fanartpakai artstyle lain
original characterNSFW (gore, porn)
muka orang (irl) tapi stylizedanything insensitive /offensive
group/pairing (OC x OC, OC x canon, canon x canon) 

Alur Pemesanan

  • DM ke akun sosmedku. Atau kalau masih mau tanya-tanya dulu aja silakan

  • Kamu kirim referensi/brief singkat ke aku. Kalau udah, nanti aku kasih konfirmasi tentang bisa/ga bisanya aku nerima commission kamu. Dan kalau gak ada antrian, aku bakal langsung mulai garap sketsanya, berdasarkan brief yang kamu kasih =D
    untuk baju/aksesoris dimohon untuk kasih gambar dan/atau deskripsikan dengan jelas ya. Soalnya aku gak banyak tau istilah-istilah fashion T^T) tapi aku tetep bakal aktif nanya klo gak tau

  • Aku kirim hasil sketsa/lineartnya. Kalau gak ada revisi, aku akan tagih pembayaran di tahap ini. Kalau ada, aku bakal benerin dulu sebelum ngirim tagihan
    di tahap sketsa, atau di saat aku yang gagal paham brief kamu, masih bisa gratis. tapi maksimal 3 (tiga) kali di tahap sketsa dan selebihnya ada BIAYA TAMBAHAN!!
    jangan sungkan buat corat-coret di gambar/preview yang aku kirim untuk jelasin revisinya ^o^)/~
    kalo semisal banyak yang perlu dibenerin, tolong langsung dilist semua aja ya dalam satu waktu. Biar sekalian gitu, lebih efisien. Kalau perlu waktu lebih buat mikir dulu juga juga gapapa, aku akan nunggu kok

  • Kalau sudah, aku bakal lanjut ke tahap pewarnaan. Revisi minor masih bisa gratis di sini (misal: ganti warna, dll.). Tapi klo selebihnya, kemungkinan besar aku akan minta tambahan biaya

  • Lalu, aku bakal konfirmasi sekali lagi pas hasil akhir gambarnya sudah selesai. kalau menurut kamu sudah oke, aku akan kirim hasil akhir via E-mail/link Gdrive dalam kurun waktu 1x24 jam
    klo lebih dari 24 jam gak dikasih juga, terus saer ngilang ga ada kabar, tabok aja bisa coba untuk reach out ke kontakku yg tertera di bawah ya! (sumpah marahin aja /j /srs)

Info Tambahan

  • Referensi/brief diutamakan perpaduan gambar dan deskripsi lengkap. Tapi kalo gak ada gambar, cuma berupa deskripsi juga gapapa. Selama deskripsinya jelas, lengkap, dan kalian gak masalah aku bakal banyak nanya ini itu. atau kalian bisa juga bikin referensi dari kombinasi beberapa gambar. misal:
    "Saer, aku mau poninya kayak gambar A, tapi rambutnya kayak gambar B"
    "Saer, ini referensi rambutnya, tapi poninya dibikin belah tengah aja yak"
    komunikasikan saja ya guys, aku akan dengan senang hati membantu mewujudkan bayangan kalian dalam bentuk gambar '-')7

  • Harga tertera khusus personal use/penggunaan pribadi. Tolong hubungi lewat e-mail atau sosmed mana aja buat diskusiin harga komersial. Kok ribet? karena bagi aku komersial ini perlu diskusi banget, soalnya banyak banget macamnya. Kalau belum pasti, nanya-nanya dulu aja boleh banget kok!

  • Personal use ARTINYA, kamu nggak bakal: jual ulang karya ke orang lain, dengan atau tanpa profit; mengklaim karyaku sebagai karyamu; dipakai untuk keperluan komersil/profit apapun bentuknya; dan/atau nyebarin hasil karya sebagai hal-hal diluar keperluan personal

  • Personal use TERMASUK: dipakai sebagai icon/header di sosial media; repost di sosial media (cantumkan credit) TANPA tujuan komersil; memakai hasil karya buat journaling, bikin scrapbook, dll.; di-print/dicetak buat dijadiin stiker, mug, t-shirt, dll. dengan catatan, dicetak BUKAN untuk diperbanyak dan dijual ulang

  • Untuk kegunaan selain yang sudah kusebutkan di atas, mohon untuk izin/tanyakan dulu yakk

  • Besar kemungkinan aku bakal post hasil komis (low quality, pakai watermark) di akunku. Mohon untuk bilang di awal kalau kamu gak mau hasil komisnya di-post, atau tidak di-post sampai waktu tertentu. Bilang aja:
    "Saer, nanti kalau kamu mau post hasil komis aku, tolong jangan di-upload sebelum tanggal 21 September ya"
    "Saer, komis yang ini jangan diupoad ya, aku mau nikmatin sendiri"
    gitu misalnya. Tidak ada tambahan biaya untuk ini =w=)b

  • Commission bakal makan waktu sekitar 5 hari sampai 2 bulan baru selesai. Banyaknya revisi ngaruh BANYAK ke waktu pengerjaan

  • Kalo kamu punya deadline, tolong kasih tau DI AWAL. Mohon pengertiannya kalau aku ga bisa ambil commission yang deadlinenya kurang dari 5 hari, bahkan untuk tipe commission sketch only. dan mohon diingat lagi kalau revisi ngaruh BANYAK ke waktu pengerjaan

  • Besar kemungkinan bakal ada tambahan biaya buat binatang/peliharaan atau aksesoris tambahan, juga pose/baju yang rumit/detail

Hi, Saer here! I am a part-timer freelance artist, based in South Borneo, who does digital art on my free timeTools: One by Wacom (medium)
Drawing apps: MediBang Paint Pro, Krita
Animation/edit: Krita, CapCut


  • Can I use your art for edits/profile pictures?
    It's totally fine, as long as you credit me. But please be careful and don't use commission work or gift artwork. Only the person who commission/given can use it.

  • Can I post your art on my social media?
    > Is it your commission? If so, ABSOLUTELY! If not, please don't cuz I don't allow people to repost/reuse/ republish my work without asking my permission first.
    > To make it clear, REPOST IS when you re-upload the artwork without credit and/or without link it to mine. In the other hand, share are very very much more appreciated!

  • Is it okay if I want to print your artwork?
    Print my works as personal/non-profit uses are allowed, but please tell/ask me first. Also, please refrain to use commission work or gift artwork. Only the person who commission/given can use it.

  • What is considered as personal use?
    > Personal use MEANS: you will not resell, claim my work as your own, use for commercial/profit purposes, or distribute the material for anything other than personal use
    > Personal use INCLUDE: using as icon/header on social media, print and/or use the image for journaling, scrapbooking, etc.

  • Do you accept art commission for commercial purposes?
    I do. But all the price I put on my commsheet are ALL personal/non-profit use price. There's so many aspect to commercial uses, so I want to be careful and will ask you many question before agreeing to do the commission. Please contact me through e-mail or any social media to discuss all the deadline, contract, price, etc.